Acabar:(verb) to ejaculate or, more general to have an orgasm note Used in Argentina. Literally it means to finish. "¡¡Ohhh, estoy por acabar!!" meaning "Ohhh, I'm going to have an orgasm!!". It's obvious when it's used.
Almeja:(noun) cunt (direct translation= clam). A very strong word. DO NOT say it to a lady! Used in phrases such as: "le comí la almeja" which means "I licked her cunt".
Arrima tu prima: fuck the hell out of your cousin. These are cool words around gentleman
Bajar al pozo: to eat pussy. Cuban usage. Ex: "A Pedro le gusta bajar al pozo". Translation: "Pete likes to eat pussy".
Bandera roja:(noun, fem.) (adj., fem.) menstruation. Literally, this means "red flag".
Basuco:(noun, masc.) crack (smokable form of cocaine) pronounced "baa-SU-co"; Mexican, Central and South American Spanish.
Buscar flete:to hunt for pussy, go looking for a piece of ass note Cuban slang. Example: "Oye chico, vamos a salir a buscar flete por ahí". Translation: "Hey man, let's go out and look for some ass".
Cabrón:(noun, masc.) a man who allows another man to have sex with his woman and doesn't do anything about it. An example of its usage lies in this popular phrase: "Chíngate tu madre, cabrón!" ("Fuck your mother, you fucking incompetent piece of shit who can't even get an erection!")
Cachapera:(fem, noun) lesbian. Used in Venezuela. Can also be used as a verb (Cachapear).
Culero:(noun, Spain) Petty drug dealer who smuggles hashish from Morocco to Spain by hiding it within his/her ass. (adj, Mexico) unpleasant, stroppy.
Chardo:(noun, masc.) black person. This is Cuban slang for "nigger".
Dabuten(adj.) great, cool. Especially used in Madrid, derived from "de puta madre"; same meaning as: chachi, guay.
Dar candela por el culo: to take it up the ass;to fuck someone in the ass; Cuban usage; Ex: "A María le gusta que le dan candela por el culo". Translation: "Mary likes to take it up the ass".
Del rejue: prostitute (Mexican and Guat. slang).
Encular:(verb) to bugger. To fuck by the asshole.
Ése:(noun, masc.) homeboy. A very friendly term to refer to your amigo. (Mexican and Puerto Rican Spanish); An example: "Oye ése! Que hay de nuevo?" ("Hey there, homeboy, what's up?").
Fachar:(verb) to fuck a woman. "Esta buena, yo me la facho". Used in Venezuela.
Fletear: to cruise, to walk the streets. Verb used in Cuba to describe what streetwalkers do. Example: "María está fleteando por las calles hoy". Translation: "Mary is cruising the streets today".
Foquin:(adj.) fucking. This is a Puerto Rican parroting of the English "fucking." It is pronounced "FOH-kin"
Grilla:(noun, fem.) marijuana. (lit) female cricket; a quarrel. (Mexican, Central and South American slang)
Hacer la sopa:(verb) to perform oral sex to a woman, to lick a woman´s pussy (fig.). Literally means " to make a soup" . Example : "Te voy a hacer la sopa" ( "I am going to suck your pussy")
Hacer un cuadro: to make a daisy chain. Cuban usage. "Vamos buscar tres jebas y hacer un cuadro". Translation: "Let's find three broads and make a daisy chain".
Ir a botar el agua al canario: to go take a leak; to piss; Cuban slang. Ex: "Voy a botar el agua al canario". Translation: "I'm gonna go take a leak".
¡Jódete y aprieta el culo!: Cuban slang. Means: "Go fuck yourself!". Need anything be said of this expression?
Jugar a los dos bandos: to swing both ways; to be bisexual; Cuban verbal expression, Ex: "Yo creo que Pedro juega a los dos bandos". Translation: "I think Pete swings both ways".
La concha de tu madre: Fuck your mother. Argentine- Chilean slang. Also "conche tu madre". Equivalent to Mexican "Chinga tu madre"
Las zonas: (noun, fem., plural) red light districts. These are the areas in Mexican and Columbian cities where male and female prostitutes have sex with their clients inside of blanket partitions hung up on clotheslines; pronounced "lass SOH-naas".
Llello:(noun, masc.) cocaine, crack (Mex. and Puerto Rican Spanish)
Mal aire: (adj., masc.) (noun, masc) to fart. Means "bad air". It is a general term used in all Spanish-speaking countries.
Mala semana: (adj., fem) (noun, fem.) menstruation. Literally, means "bad week". It is pronounced "MA-la say-MAH-na".
Maletón: (noun, masc.) son of a bitch. Literally, this term appears to mean "you are a bad one," however, it is quite an insult to Mexicans and South Americans.
Me vale o me vale madre: I don't give a fuck or "me vale Madre", which is a slightly stronger way of putting it. Used when someone is nagging you or being bothersome. Used as a comeback or expletive.
Meterla de mira quién viene: to fuck doggie-style, to fuck in the ass. Cuban slang. Ex: "Te la voy a meter de mira quién viene". Trans: "I'm gonna fuck you doggie style".
Ninfo: (noun, masc.) homosexual. Its equivalent in English is "faggot". Literally, this means "male nymph". (Mexican and Guat. Spanish)
Ñema: cock, specifically the glans penis. Used in Santo Domingo in phrases such as "macañema" (from "mascar": to chew) meaning cocksucker.
Orto:(noun, mas) ass. Used in Argentina and Uruguay: "Te voy a romper el orto" ("I'm gonna break your ass").
Papayona or papallona: Being similar to the fruit papaya. (Adj) Commonly used by Cubans. It is an insult directed at males and female when they do something annoying, such as cutting you off in traffic. Basically, you are calling the person a big vagina. The term is based on the analogy between the fleshy and juicy fruit and the vagina.
Pelotas michinados:(noun, fem., adj., masc.) blue balls. Pronounced "pay-low-tas mee-chee-na-doze." It used only in jest with close friends. Otherwise, its usage is quite strong. This is most commonly used in Mexico, Central and South America.
Pelotudo:(masc. adj.) dumbass. Common slang for someone who is careless, doesn't care much about what he does, etc.
Popa:(noun) arse. Not commonly used as arse: more commonly used to describe something to do with the arse , for example " ponerse en popa " which means " arse in the air" (ready to get fucked doggy-style)
Quilombo:(noun) whorehouse. Used primarily in the River Plate, i.e., Uruguay and Argentina. A popular spot for teenage male youth.
Regarse:(verb, reflexive) to have an orgasm.
Sofea: Ugly, monster, monstrous monster, ugly monstrous monster. This word can be written as 'Sofia' or 'sofia', with no change of meaning. It comes from Greek and means 'the ugliest son of God' or 'how can ya be so f***ing ugly, mate?'. It's found in Reus (Spain) and other parts of Tarragones province.
¡Sola vaya!: Good ridance!. Common Cuban slang expression.
Tener el famban barretoso: to have a big ass, have a juicy ass. Cuban slang. Ex: "María tiene el famban barretoso". Trans: "Mary has a big juicy ass".
Tener furor uterino: to be a nymphonmaniac. Cuban usage. Ex: "Ella tiene furor uterino". Translation: "She's a nymphomaniac. She's got a hot pussy".
Tener los mango bajitos: to have sagging teats. Cuban usage. Ex: "María tiene los mangos bajitos". Translation: "Mary has sagging teats".
Tu madre tiene un pene: your mother has a dick. Good to cut some ass hole who is buggi'n you.
Zacate inglés: (noun, masc., adj.) marijuana. Actually, this means "English hay". It is pronounced "sah-CAH-tay een-GLAZE". (Central American and Mex. Spanish).
Zurrar:(verb, trans.) to defecate. This verb shares quite a few meanings, such as "to dress down", "to have an accident", "to trash", and "to beat up". In Argentina, zurrar means to fart noiselessly (or SBD, "silent but deadly"). Its usage refers to its context.
Un beso.
Escrito por Jake|28 de Marzo 2007 a las 12:51 AM|Che boludo que copado! :p Las de Cuba son las que menos me suenan. Voy a tener que hacer amigos cubanos para hincharles los quinotos. xD
El Replicante es cami|28 de Marzo 2007 a las 04:31 AMEstos cubanitos, hablan muy raro.
El Replicante es Jake|28 de Marzo 2007 a las 08:11 AMQue diverso es el vocabulario sexual coloquial,fantástico.
¿ha estado usted en alemania? Allí todo lo que te dicen parece un insulto o algo quiero pensar en como suenan cuando te insultan de verdad xD. Yo creo que les pasa algo raro en la boca para que hablen así... mmmm.
Recuerdo dos amigos míos alemanes, que se estaban contando un chiste en alemán, y pensábamos que se estaban matando entre ellos. Y de repente nos damos cuenta que se ríen a carcajadas los dos...
Supongo que son cosas de vivir en un clima tan frío.
El Replicante es Jake|28 de Marzo 2007 a las 10:15 AMMuy útil para cuando salga de Huelva.
El Replicante es Alehuelva|28 de Marzo 2007 a las 07:48 PMMejor no salga.
El Replicante es Jake|28 de Marzo 2007 a las 08:41 PMConchetumadre es una de las palabras mas hermosas en mi país (shile).
El Replicante es Meloncillo|28 de Marzo 2007 a las 11:31 PMY una de las más famosas.
El Replicante es Jake|29 de Marzo 2007 a las 12:01 AM